In the first part of this series on
aquarium water pumps I discussed how they operated. In this
second installment I will talk about how pumps are rated or
spec'ed, and how this can be used to select the right pump for
your application. There are two basic questions one needs to
ask to start determining what pump is right for a particular
use. First, how much water is needed to move in a given amount
of time (i.e., flow rate) and second, what path does the water
need to take to get to its final destination?
Anyone who has ever picked up (or tried
to pick up) a five gallon container full of water will know
water is heavy. In fact, it weighs about 8.5 pounds per gallon.
If you were to lift this five gallon container of water from
the floor to the top of your tank, it would require a fair
amount of work on your part. So, it should not be too surprising
that the same is true for a water pump trying to pump water
from a low elevation, such as a sump, to a higher level such
as a tank. Taking the example of a sump and a tank and separating
the sump and the tank further apart by raising the tank to
a higher level, the tank would eventually reach a level where
the pump would no longer be able to lift the water any higher.
The height of this stationary water column is referred to
as its maximum head, or height, of the water column that the
pump can support. If the tank is lowered below this maximum
water height, the water will start to flow into the tank again.
As the tank is lowered even further until it is at the same
level as the sump, the flow rate will increase and will be
at its maximum. The maximum flow rate for a pump occurs when
it is discharging its contents at or near the same level as
its intake. Elevating the pump's discharge relative to its
intake will cause its output to decrease, and eventually stop
altogether when the elevation difference is equal to the pump's
maximum head. Figure #1 shows a graphical representation of
this relationship between an example pump's flow rate and
its head.

Different pumps have their own flow rate
versus head curves. These curves are normally included with
a pump's documentation or are readily available from the manufacturer.
For those of you who know only the maximum head and flow rate
for your pump, you can assume that the flow rate changes in
a linear relationship with the head and get results that will
be nearly accurate. If the relationship between flow rate
and head or pumping height is known, all that is necessary
is to select a pump that meets our flow rate requirements
at the necessary height. Unfortunately, it is not that simple.
Other factors need to be taken into account, and the concept
of pumping height or head must be refined.
To better understand what factors can affect
the pump's flow rate, I first need to introduce the concept
of pressure. Pressure is force divided by the area that it
is applied to, often quoted in pounds per square inch, or
psi, for short. As an example, a tray filled with a gallon
of water an inch deep but 10" wide by 23" long would
have a pressure on its bottom of about 0.037 psi (8.5 lbs
/ (area of tray bottom or 230 square inches). The same amount
of water, but in a tube whose cross-sectional area is one
square inch but 230" tall, would have a pressure of 8.5
psi on the bottom of the tube (8.5 lbs / 1 square inch). The
reason for the different pressures, even though the weight
of the water is the same in both cases, is that the weight
is supported by a large area in the first example and so the
force on any small section is low. But, in the second example,
all the water's weight is supported by a small area and so
its effective pressure is correspondingly higher. Consequently,
the maximum head or water column height that a pump can support
is really a measure of the maximum water pressure that a pump
can produce. As the pressure on the output of a pump is reduced,
its flow rate will increase. This is why the maximum flow
rate for a pump occurs when pumping at zero head or no elevation
change; the pressure it has to pump against is minimal.
Not only can elevation changes cause pressure
losses on a pump's output, but losses due to the resistance
to water flow in the plumbing can also have an effect. As
an analogy, if you blow forcefully but slowly into a straw,
it requires little effort. But if you try blowing into it
very quickly, it is much more difficult because there is more
resistance to the flow of air in the straw. The same phenomena
occurs when you try to pump water quickly through pipe or
tubing; the faster the flow, the more resistance or pressure
on the pump which will reduce the pump's flow rate. Other
factors such as the roughness of the pipe or tubing's interior,
and whether the water is traveling in a straight line or a
curved path, will also affect this pressure loss (the more
severe the curvature the larger the loss). The easiest way
to limit the reduction in flow rate is to reduce the velocity
of the water flowing through it, and the simplest way of doing
this is to increase the effective diameter of the plumbing.
Pressure loss with higher flow velocity explains why higher
flow rate pumps typically have larger diameter inputs and
outlets; the pumps are designed to keep the velocity of the
water lower at higher flow rates. Remember that flow rate
refers to how fast a given volume of water is moving. If the
diameter of the pipe or tubing is larger, then it can move
a greater volume of water at a lower velocity and maintain
the same effective flow rate as it would with smaller diameter
plumbing and higher water velocities. There is a positive
aspect to this loss of flow rate and that is that control
is easily achieved with the convenient use of valves to adjust
the flow rate of a pump.
A valve reduces the effective diameter
for the water flowing through it, and thus increases the effective
flow resistance or pressure on the pump, and correspondingly
reducing its output flow rate.

A pump is needed that will provide a flow
rate of at least 500 gallons per hour (gph) between a sump
and a tank that has its water level located 4 feet above the
sump's water level (see figure #2). Note in figure #2 that
the effective pumping height as shown is not measured from
the inlet of the pump to the level of the outlet in the tank,
but rather from the water level in the sump to the water level
in the tank. The reason is that the water level in the sump
is actually causing a pressure increase at the pump's input
which will aid the pump's flow rate and make it perform as
though the pump and its inlet were really level with the water
surface of the sump. On the output side of the pump the water
level in the tank is actually causing a higher pressure on
the pump's outlet, making it seem as though the pump were
actually discharging near the surface of the tank. In general,
the actual head of a pump is determined by the difference
between the highest water level open to the atmosphere on
the inlet side of the pump and that similar water level associated
with its outlet (figure #3 shows additional examples). Assuming
that figure #1's chart represents the flow rate versus head
of a given pump, then at a head of 4 feet the flow rate is
850 GPH (which is above what was required).
If the max flow rate and head were used,
and assuming a linear relationship, the estimated flow rate
would be 700 GPH, which, while lower, is not too far off from
the manufacturer's published documentation. Trying to estimate
specific head or pressure losses in the plumbing itself can
be done, but is very difficult and probably not necessary
under most circumstances. As long as the correct diameter
plumbing is matched to a given pump's inlet and outlet, the
number of elbows or tight turns is limited and long runs of
pipe or tubing are avoided, the plumbing losses can generally
be kept to less than 2-3 feet of equivalent head. This means
that in the example above that the actual effective head or
elevation loss would be closer to 7 feet rather than 4 feet
after accounting for the additional flow losses from plumbing.
Examining the curve in diagram #1, at a 7 foot head there
is a flow rate of 600 gph; a level still above the desired
500 gph. Always try to select a pump with a somewhat higher
flow rate than needed, since a valve can always be used to
reduce it to the desired level. This also gives some leeway
in case the flow rate should drop over time due to fouling
inside the plumbing or reduced pump performance from wear.
It might be advisable to just use a very big pump with a valve
to adjust to the desired requirements. If flow rate were the
only selection criteria, it would be possible to do just that.
However, other factors will also likely influence your pump
First, consider some of the other factors
that could affect the choice of pumps: cost, power usage (also
affects operating costs), safety for aquarium use (especially
saltwater), reliability, operating noise level, heat transfer
to the tank, size and installation restrictions. This list
is by no means complete, but it gives some idea as to other
things to think about when selecting a pump. In general, larger
pumps will cost more to buy and operate, make more noise,
transfer more heat to the tank and be harder to install. The
factor listed as "safe for aquarium use" was discussed
in part 1 of this series, and primarily deals with making
sure the pump is constructed using aquarium safe materials.
Reliability is also important when selecting a pump since
you do not want it failing and possibly causing your whole
system to crash. When selecting a pump(s), ask around and
see what experiences other aquarists have had with similar
units and check to see if the particular pump in question
has been around for a while and recommended for aquarium use.
While having a good pump helps to improve
your system's reliability, the best way to reduce the likelihood
of a pump failure harming your system is to have redundancy.
While one large pump may do the job, two smaller pumps may
be able to accomplish the same task, and the probability of
both smaller pumps failing at the same time is normally much
less. Installation of multiple pumps is more difficult, and
possibly more costly, but the peace of mind it gives to know
your critters are safer may be worthwhile.
Another significant selection criteria
not yet mentioned is whether to choose a submersible or non-submersible
(external) pump.

In Part 1 of this series, I noted that
the principal advantages to submersible pumps were the ease
of installation and a generally more compact size. They may
be best suited for internal circulation pumps, and are called
powerheads. Powerheads are normally small (allowing placement
within tanks in inconspicuous locations), offer low to moderate
flow rates, but usually provide little pressure capability.
I will consider more about installation and system design
tradeoffs in the final part of this series, but there is one
personal comment I'd like to make now. In all but the smallest
aquarium systems I prefer to have both external pumps as well
as internal circulation pumps to move water from sumps or
other external filter systems. This dual approach allows me
to use smaller external pumps since not all of my circulation
requirements need be provided by them, and it gives me yet
another form of pump redundancy to improve overall system
reliability. As mentioned in Part 1, if you are not concerned
with heat transfer to the tank, a non-submersible pump is
probably the preferred choice.
In regard to reliability and safety, most
centrifugal water pumps are not designed to run dry (i.e.,
no water in them), and will be damaged if this occurs. Water
in the pump is required to act both as a lubricant as well
as a coolant. The use of float switches in sumps or tanks
that turn pumps off if there is no water, is a good way of
making sure you do not mistakenly run a pump dry. The use
of pump controllers or wave makers also deserves mention.
Pumps are normally operated by electrical motors, tricky electrical
loads to turn off and on safely. If either the controller
or the pump is not designed properly and unable to reliably
turn motors on and off repeatedly, one or both of these units
could be damaged by switching. If you plan to use pumps and
a wave maker in this way, I recommend that you make sure they
operate safely together by either contacting the manufacturer
of the units or by finding someone else who already uses a
similar configuration. Lastly, I highly recommended that you
use Ground Fault Interrupter (GFI) equipped electrical circuits
when using any electrical equipment around water to reduce
the danger of electrical shocks to both yourself and your
The next and final installment in this
series on aquarium water pumps will deal with installation
procedures for pumps, as well as discussing some ideas on
to how to use pumps for various aquarium related applications.